A Healthy Quick Fix Dessert - Lin-nette Yap


Do you find yourself going to the fridge every now and then, just to look inside and see what’s there, craving something sweet but at the same time feeling conflicted to stay healthy? Well, welcome to my life. So, I came up with this healthy, easy and guilty free recipe to satisfy those cravings!

You only need 2 ingredients. Yes that’s right, only 2! We’re making yogurt popsicle cubes!  


Greek Yogurt (any flavour) 

Fruits (to your liking) 


  1. Get out an empty ice cube tray 

  2. In a bowl mix yogurt of your choice with fruit. (I used plain Greek yogurt and strawberries, apples and blueberries)  

  3. Scoop the yoghurt mixture into each section of a popsicle mould or into the cubes of an ice tray.

  4. Lay aluminium foil over your popsicle mould or ice cube tray, and carefully place a toothpick/popsicle stick in each individual cube pushing a hole through the foil into the yoghurt 

  5. Place in the freezer until frozen. 

  6. Devour it! 

 It’s as simple as that! Best recipe for last minute potluck parties, or just something to satisfy that craving. You can experiment and make other flavours by mixing and matching the ingredients! Enjoy!

Recipe By Lin-nette Yap

Lin-nette is on team at Kingdomcity, in Kuala Lumpur.

Kingdomcity Team