May your spirit be lifted, soul refreshed, and faith restored through these words.



“The Lord is my baker and we have all the ingredients we would ever need. There are the different elements that make up the outcome of this muffin, just like how there are different elements that make up the outcome of our lives. Do you trust God with your life’s mix?" - Jemima Varughese

Extracted from ‘Trusting God With Your Mix’ sermon by Jemima Varughese


Positioned For Breakthrough

“But you will not even need to fight. Take your positions; then stand still and watch the Lord’s victory. He is with you, O people of Judah and Jerusalem. Do not be afraid or discouraged. Go out against them tomorrow, for the Lord is with you!” - 2 Chronicles 20:17 (NLT) 

The right position. The right place. The right time. What does it mean to “take your positions” before you stand still and watch the Lord’s victory?

Extracted from ‘Positioned For Breakthrough’ sermon by Elaine Phua



God is calling you out of darkness, and when darkness is removed from you, God can fill you with joy. When you have the joy of the Lord, it’s easy to be with God and in His presence. It’s easy to experience His love!

Extracted from ‘A King’s Nation’ sermon by Jemima Varughese



“You are valuable. You are priceless. Don’t believe the lie that you are not valuable, that you are trash. It’s not what God has said about you - you are truly God’s chosen treasure.” - Jemima Varughese

Extracted from ‘A King’s Nation’ sermon by Jemima Varughese


The Cross Is For Everyone

Sometimes as we go through life, it's easy to take for granted what Jesus has done for us. Let's take this moment as we read, to remind ourselves of the meaning behind the cross.

Extracted from ‘The Cross Is For Everyone’ sermon by Jemima Varughese


I Am Convinced

The world tries its hardest to convince us to believe many lies but only God’s Word will truly stand! We pray that as you read this blog, you will be affirmed of God’s promises more than ever before!

Extracted from ‘I Am Convinced’ sermon by Sam Evans


The 5 R’s For Freedom

As John 8:36 says, “So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” This is the truth that we can hold on to but why is it that many don’t experience freedom? Read on as Jemima Varughese unpacks the 5 R’s that we can start implementing into our lives today! Let’s get desperate for our freedom!

Extracted from ‘Taste & See’ sermon by Jemima Varughese



You are created in the image of God and are specially fashioned and designed for a special purpose that would not have been bestowed upon anyone else! Read more at about how we are all truly His poetry!

Extracted from ‘We Are His Poetry’ sermon by Jemima Varughese



In Ephesians 2:10, it says that even before we were born, God planned in advance our destiny. Our lives are not an accident, no matter how we got here. God planned ahead and there is a purpose for each of our lives!

Extracted from ‘We Are His Poetry’ sermon by Jemima Varughese



In the Bible, Paul talks about the sword being the sword of the Spirit and while all the other pieces of armour are for the purpose of defence, the sword the only piece of armour that is designed to attack the enemy. Read on about how the revivalist Rees Howells used the sword of the Spirit to bring change to a nation and how we can use it in our daily lives!

Extracted from ‘The Dresscode’ sermon by Jemima Varughese



There is a story about Billy Graham that they detailed in the movie about him. He had a friend, a mentor, someone he looked up to as an evangelist. His name was Chuck Templeton and he was a revivalist. Chuck began to question God & eventually became an atheist! This shook Billy Graham to the core. Read on to see how he defeated the lies by going to God’s Word and by wearing the helmet of salvation!

Extracted from ‘The Dresscode’ sermon by Jemima Varughese



When Paul talks about the shoes of the gospel of peace, it translates to mean good news or our salvation. Just like shoes, the gospel should be functional in our lives. It not only helps us stand firm, but also to be used as a weapon to attack against the enemy. When you share the gospel to others, you attack the plan of the enemy!

Extracted from ‘The Dresscode’ sermon by Jemima Varughese


No weapon

In 2023, we need to let go of weapons that the enemy has sent us so that we can step into what God has for us. Ps Jemima has a powerful message based on Isaiah 54:17 that will become a life-long declaration for you to hold on to in any season!

Extracted from the ‘No Weapon’ sermon by Jemima Varughese


The victory dresscode prayer

All throughout history, there are recorded stories of how prayer changes things. Prayer has changed the course of history, it has played its part in changing laws, changing the direction of nations and even winning wars. The Word of God is clear about prayer - read on here about The Victory Dresscode and how you can apply it to your life!

Extracted from ‘Unleashing The War Cry’ sermon by Jemima Varughese


Modern day idols

So, what’s an idol? Maybe thoughts of wooden statues or graven images immediately spring to mind. Maybe the words of Exodus 20:3 echo in your head, “You must have no other gods apart from me.” Maybe an idol seems completely irrelevant to your life. After all, if I went into your home right now, I probably wouldn't find any stone altars or brass statues and see you bowing down on the floor. 

But did you know it's quite possible that there's other modern-day idols in your life?

By Sabrina Peters


The ‘cheer’ in cheerful giver

Have you ever had an opportunity to give and the first thought you had, was how giving was going to leave you with less of something and what that would mean for you? Yet God says; He loves a cheerful giver! So where do we find the cheer in giving?

By Kgomotso King


how to look beyond the limits of our world

Locked in. Quiet. Withdrawn from all we knew. And, like the rest of the world, we had to adjust to a new normal. 

This is a story about how lockdown saved my life. 

By Lizzie Young


what to do when you’ve lost your passion

Do you feel like you can’t get up in the morning and just want to stay in bed all day? Or you just want to call in sick and not face the realities of your day? Do you want to quit even though you know deep down you’ve been called to this? Do you ask yourself ‘If God has called me, why is it so hard’?

The truth is, when you’re feeling like this - you have lost your passion. You’ve lost your vision and sight of who you are and where your strength comes from. I’ve been there.

By Joy Stevens


the art of saying ‘no’ and saving your best ‘yes’

"You do not owe anyone a reason". I grew up hearing that statement repeatedly and I use to think about how uptight my father must be to constantly remind my mother of that. After all, she was just being courteous in replying with a reason as to why she's unable to attend to something asked of her. It wasn't until later in life that I understood the value of what He was conveying. He wasn't against being courteous or having manners; he was reiterating a simple principle. That it is in fact okay to say "no" without fear or favour.

By Fiona Keshure


trusting god with big decisions

There is a HUGE difference between a good idea, and a God idea... Personally, I am of the mind that we come to a point in life and in our Christian walk where our hardest decisions are no longer choosing right from wrong. Our hardest decisions are choosing between a good idea, and a God idea. So often, we take the route of the good idea and asking God to bless it, rather than waiting on the God idea and walking in it. The latter might take longer than we expect, hope for or are willing to wait for, but in the end, it is one hundred percent the BEST path for God’s promise on your life to unfold.

By Lizzie Young


this is the day the lord has made

I’ve had to learn to be intentional about making the most of each day. Let me take you on a journey through a few stories of how I went from dwelling in the moment, to living for a moment and now truly living in the moment, making the most of each day.

By Nina Otsweleng


5 ways to combat anxious thoughts

Now more than ever, we can begin to understand the impact of anxiety robbing our peace and the importance of trusting in the Lord. This year, with all that is occurring in the world, the very foundation of our trust is being challenged. When we entered isolation, I remember feeling an overwhelming sense of worry. My mind at night would be ruminating over whether I would keep my job and how I would survive if I lost my job. I remember the Lord challenging me on this, that my security was never in my job, it was always in Him.

By Mabel Rolt


5 ways to redefine yourself

How does a woman define herself in the world we live in today? Do you blend in or stand out? Must you seek trends or set them? Are you popular enough? The right personality type? The right size? Is your life a carefully curated set of events coming through all the right filters?

If we were taking our cues from the world around us, we’d be as conflicted as we would be miserable. But there’s good news. We were never meant to be defined by what surrounds us but by Who lives in us.

By Renuka George


melody’s songs for every season

I’ve compiled some songs that I hope will speak to you and resonate with you through the seasons of life that you may be going through. For some of these songs, there were specific portions of the song that I felt resonated with me through some of these seasons; it may have just been one line or one verse or just the bridge or it may have been the entire song. Regardless, I pray that if you’re going through any of these seasons, that these songs will help you vulnerably and honestly put to words before God what you are feeling. I hope the songs will remind you that God remains the same despite our changing seasons, and I pray these songs leave you filled and encouraged.

By Melody Teo


find your why

Let’s be honest, everyone wants to change the world, and NOBODY knows how. We’ve all got aspirations and dreams, but it often feels like we spend more time dreaming than doing.

There have been times where I have felt it almost impossible to believe in the age old saying “God has a plan for you”. This begs the question, how do you pick yourself up and start walking into your God ordained purpose, with faith? Well, let me be your sister and friend today and encourage you, wherever you are at!

By Joy Stevens

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a futuristic prophetic declaration

There’s a point you come to, where you feel hopeless. You know God can hear you and He cares, but the situation isn’t changing and you don’t know what to say or do anymore. But you're the only one bringing hope to the situation. The way I live, the choices I make are a testimony to the faithfulness of God. But still, no change.


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Let go

One of the hardest things to let go of as an independent woman in this present age is control. We like to make sure that things go the way we want it, when and exactly where it has planned to be. Though this may be the case, it is totally contrary to how God desires us to be. We were created to be outwardly independent but inwardly dependent on Him.

By Michelle Ramsden


i’m throwing a (pity) party

Every little detail was going around in my mind like I was on rewind, play, rewind, play, rewind, play over and over again. So much was going on inside my head that it was like I was throwing a party! Guess who was the first person to show up? My friend, Pity.

By Lisa Fielder



It’s normal to experience a range of emotions – from fear to anger, worry to anxiety. But in every situation God wants us to remain steadfast in our faith, mentally strong and emotionally stable.  

By Sabrina Peters

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Putting God first

This gift of free will is no small thing. The sum of our lives will almost be a picture of how we’ve exercised this freedom to choose. Surely then, if the choices we make are so significant we need to include/involve Jesus in them right?

By Nicole Blegenhout

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what do you see?

I hear the LORD whisper; “What do you see in this season? Who do you see I am in this season?”

By Charlotte Tan


purpose in the process

In my pursuit for purpose, God led me to the story of Gideon, a man who felt unworthy and unqualified until God gave him a new identity. I can picture Gideon, questioning and doubting God, when he comes to a cross road, he has to choose between what he believes about himself or chooses to believe what God sees in him. For Gideon to walk in purpose, he had to know Jesus intimately and to trust every word God was calling him to be.

By Boitumelo Selelo


follow beautiful journal