What Do You See? - Charlotte Tan

Who would have thought that 2020 would turn out to be what we are experiencing right now? One virus that has affected the whole world, causing countries to lock down and accelerating deaths, sicknesses, unemployment, recession, and so much more. No matter who or where you are, you are affected. There are no special exemptions; everyone is in this together.


I bet that when we planned for the new year with excitement, all that we are currently experiencing would not be on the list. Over a short period of time, dreams and plans are on “pause”, and it’s hard to believe this is the reality that we will have to deal with. Let’s be honest, we are only in the first quarter of 2020; how long more will this reality be and what will happen after this?


I don’t really have the answer for it. But I do know THIS IS NOT IT. I know there is MORE.


Do you believe and see that you are living ‘in’ the miracle right now? Or are you seeing this as a destroyer of what you want to do?


Technologies and infrastructure were set in place way before this pandemic therefore making online interaction possible. Even though human interaction was taken away from us, a solution was immediately offered. And we are living in it! Did we even realise this little miracle? If we were to deal with the current situation 100 years ago, what would happen?


2 King 6:16 says, ““Don't be afraid!” Elisha told him. For there are more on our side than on theirs!” Then Elisha prayed, “O LORD, open his eyes and let him see!” The LORD opened the young man’s eyes, and when he looked up, he saw that the hillside around Elisha was filled with horses and chariots of fire.”


I hear the LORD whisper; “What do you see in this season? Who do you see I am in this season?” 


I see Him as a dad who weeps with His sons and daughters who have just lost their jobs;

I see Him being the comforter to those who are struggling with sickness and bringing them peace and miraculous healing;

I see Him cheering the kids on to have fun despite what is going on around them;

I see Him giving strategies to business owners to help them turn their businesses around;

I see Him mourn with those who have lost their loved ones, fight for those who have received unfair treatment, and care for those who are lonely;

I see Him giving strength to the mums who have to take care of their young ones with a cheerful face despite the current reality;

I see Him connecting His power source to all the doctors, nurses, politicians, leaders of nations, and those who work in the frontline, giving them strength, strategies and refreshing them while they give their best;

I see Him opening people’s minds to accept and try new things;

I see Him expanding creativity and depositing new ideas in us like never before. 


And there is more...


I see Him being the pillar of our family, our states, our country, and our world;

I see Him creating opportunities for all, setting us up for something greater;

I see Him welcoming newborns into our world and celebrating everyone He had created;

I see Him excitedly releasing and revealing the plan and purpose He has for His children;

I see Him sharing His wisdom with His loved one;

I see Him continuing to take good care of everything, including the birds in the sky (Mathew 6:26).


I hear Him speaking with excitement as I typed. “Yes! Now only believe.”


Despite all that is happening around us, He is the same yesterday, today and forever (Hebrew 13:8). Are we focusing on the challenges or on our Father who is more than able? Instead of seeing the challenges, do we see God’s army all around us?


How privileged are we that we are called for a time such as this? We are all designed to see what is yet to be. Let our spiritual eyes be opened to believe that what man thinks is impossible is actually possible. Let our minds be opened to see beyond what we can see in the physical. Let us prophesy and speak these into our reality.


In this very season, let’s spread this perfect love of our Father in heaven and let it cast out all the fear in people around us! Let this love be experienced and embraced in this season. Let us be ready to be transformed and filled with His power and His might. Let miracles be the new norm in our world, let the prayers of every believer move mountains, and let His name be famous!

Written By Charlotte Tan

Charlotte is on team at Kingdomcity in Perth.

Kingdomcity Team