Find Your Why - Joy Stevens

Let’s be honest, everyone wants to change the world, and NOBODY knows how. We’ve all got aspirations and dreams, but it often feels like we spend more time dreaming than doing. We always see pictures, videos and stories of the women who can do it all - well behaved kids, pinterest home, changing the world while still having instagram worthy breakfasts and perfect eyebrows. 

Come on girls, you know what I mean!

Perhaps in this season, you’ve asked yourself the question “What is my purpose and passion?” more than ever before. Or maybe you’ve found yourself in a place where you are feeling unmotivated and perhaps questioning your very purpose!  

There have been times where I have felt it almost impossible to believe in the age old saying “God has a plan for you”. This begs the question, how do you pick yourself up and start walking into your God ordained purpose, with faith? Well, let me be your sister and friend today and encourage you, wherever you are at!  


I know, you know that God is GOOD (all the time) but do you believe that is His nature? He can only do good, and your life is no exception. I love Jeremiah 29:11, this is a PROMISE from God that He has good plans for you.

No matter where you are at, where you have been or how you got to being here today, He carefully and intentionally made you with purpose, and He makes NO mistakes!

The incredible thing is that His story for you isn’t being ‘made up as you go’, each moment of your life was ordained and orchestrated before you were even born! Friend, you can walk in your purpose in FAITH because God ONLY has good plans for you!


I think it’s safe to say we have all reaped the bitter fruit of comparison. We, especially as women, so easily compare ourselves to others in a way that deprecates our self worth. Can I share a revelation I had? Don’t compare yourself to others that are thriving in the area you aspire to, be it family, business, ministry or personal growth.

Friend, you are called to INCREDIBLE things, but you are NOT the people you compare yourself to. Let me be real for a moment. I absolutely love strong women in ministry, especially Pastor Lisa Bevere, but I didn’t realise I began to compare myself to her so much that I wanted to replicate her ministry and anointing. God (gently yet strongly), reminded me that I am Joy Stevens not Lisa Bevere. 

You are doing your part, being a great daughter or friend, raising beautiful children, leading teams or doing whatever God has placed in your hand. Leave comparison at the door! God made you to be YOU and only you!


Finding your passion can sometimes be overwhelming! What does passion look like? For me, it is where you are willing to put your heart and life. The greatest example of passion was the passion of Christ.

I am blessed to serve our next generation at Kingdomcity Kids. 

I am so passionate about kids encountering the reality of God because of my experience encountering HIm. For a large part of my childhood, I experienced bullying and I believed the lies I was told by other people which really affected how I saw myself. When I encountered God, I began to learn the truth about who I am and it changed my life! It is so important to me that kids know and encounter their Heavenly Father, and believe they are called to great things, no matter their age.

What are you passionate about? Whatever it is friend, do it with all of your heart! God is able to do phenomenal things and He places these passions on your heart, so He will be faithful to see it come to pass.


Stop being a prisoner to fear. Fear is a terrible master and we have to intentionally choose, with the help of the Holy Spirit, to not partner with it! Like I said, it is God who places those dreams and burdens on your heart. 

Can I encourage you today? Push through the fear, push through the doubt and push through when it gets hard! Don’t quit, because it is God who called you and He is in control of your destiny. 

A beautiful thing I learnt is that I needed grace for myself. Sometimes we can be so hard on ourselves for not being where we want to be at a certain time and this brings shame which fuels fear. We are constantly learning, evolving and growing - let’s give ourselves the grace to grow at our own pace without the fear of failure hanging over our minds.

And friend, when you do fail, it’s not a sign to stop and give up, it’s a reminder to stand up and keep going.

"And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ." Philippians 1:6 (ESV)

Written By Joy Stevens

Joy is married to Joshua. She is on the team at Kingdomcity in Perth.

Kingdomcity Team