Trusting God with Big Decisions - Lizzie Young 

There is a HUGE difference between a good idea, and a God idea... Personally, I am of the mind that we come to a point in life and in our Christian walk where our hardest decisions are no longer choosing right from wrong. Our hardest decisions are choosing between a good idea, and a God idea. So often, we take the route of the good idea and asking God to bless it, rather than waiting on the God idea and walking in it. The latter might take longer than we expect, hope for or are willing to wait for, but in the end, it is one hundred percent the BEST path for God’s promise on your life to unfold. 


When it comes to trusting God with big decisions, it can often be harder to WAIT than it is to ACT on a God decision! It is so easy in this day and age to pick up and move, ready for the next adventure! Maybe because humanity is so enamoured by “the next big thing”, and wanting to be the young Hobbits chosen for a big journey, sometimes if the journey should tarry, we create journeys to thrust upon ourselves... 

I was someone like this. SO ready for the next adventure, holding onto the promises in my heart, yet my impatience and lust for “the next thing” almost got the better of me in many ways. 


Years ago, I was writing in my journal about sending me to the nations. I was sick of the season I was in, restless and wanting more. I don’t know about you, but when I journal, I often share my heart - listen – then write the response. The response I got was; “What if the very thing you are looking for in all these other places is actually right next door?” 

Then my phone rings. Many times. At 11pm. I saw that the call was from someone in my connect group, but instead of being a good connect leader I got offended and thought to myself “its late, and I am praying, so they can call me back tomorrow!”. Then my house phone rings! Double offense! Who calls a home so late at night? THEN, there’s a knock at the door! Enough was enough, I answered the door in my pyjamas, ready to give a piece of my mind. Lo and behold, it was the same connect member, desperately beckoning me to her car where she had 2 girls who had escaped from a drug rehab. To my shock and horror, I was now an accomplice to their escapade... 

One of the girls, who was also pregnant, looks out the car to my house, and says “hey... that’s my house!” 


I looked back at her, and lovingly but patronisingly corrected her and tell her it was my house. But then, she points next door. In her intoxicated state, she then proceeds to tell me how she grew up in the house next door to mine and she used to watch from her front lawn as I went on my own escapades as the rebellious teenager that I was. What a testimony (not)! Long story short, I was able to share hope with this girl, and she ended up being reunited with her family, and making some amazing life choices and her story is a continual reminder for me to keep my eyes open to those who are around me right now. 


In my experience, trusting God with big decisions has always come down to timing. Can I trust that He knows not just the plan for me, but the timing in which it should start? Can I trust that big decisions are purely a collection of small daily choices that lead you on a great path? Can I trust that if I lay down the good ideas I have for my own life, surrendering them to the Lord, will bring about the greatest God Journeys that the world has ever seen. 


Dear friend, I believe you can. I believe there is so much in store. I believe that as you stay the course, there is a whole world of opportunity that awaits you. 


“The entire universe is standing on tiptoe, yearning to see the unveiling of God’s glorious sons and daughters!”  Romans 8:19 TPT 


Written by Lizzie Young 

Lizzie is married to Blake and they have three daughters. They are both on team at Kingdomcity in Gaborone, Botswana. 



Kingdomcity Team