From The Inside Out - Lizzie Young

Mirror Mirror on the Wall, who is the fairest one of all? 

How fun is it to do facials!!! I love doing fun activities with my kids and sharing the heart of God through them. What a privilege we have as a parent to do this… Today while we did facials on each other, we spoke about being beautiful from the inside out!

Inside all of us is a fairytale story waiting to come out, whether you’re an adventurer at heart, a dreamer, a warrior, or a poet, there’s a beautiful daughter with an incredible story of heroism, victory, and valiant effort ready in your heart to unfold! As my daughters create these stories of their own, I am using these years to instill the moral character traits we need as human beings to sustain us on the journey!

So here is how to do simple and fun facials with your kids!


  • Bowl of warm water 

  • face cloths 

  • mild soap or facial cleanser 

  • DIY mask (ingredients for an easy one below!)

  • Moisturiser 


  1. Wet a face cloth and pat across face

  2. Spread the cleanser with your hands in circular motions around face, then wipe clean with warm wet cloth


    Avocado Mask

  • half an avocado

  • 2 tbsp honey

  • ½ tbsp almond or coconut oil 

Mash and mix all the ingredients together for an amazingly edible DIY face mask! Spread across face and leave on for 10 mins. (Use this time to talk about being beautiful from the inside out, or whatever is on your heart for them!)

Finish off with a light moisturiser to bring the party to a close!

What better time is there to speak value and identity into your kids, than in day to day life activities and events. Building these habits in our daily lives, is building a lifetime of memories they’ll never forget and will shape them into the phenomenal parents they themselves are yet to be. What an incredible, generational, and eternal reward...

Looking forward to seeing pictures of you and your kids glowing from the inside out!! 


Written By Lizzie Young

Lizzie is married to Blake Young and mother to Keilani, Zion and Shiloh. She lives in Gaborone, Botswana and is on team at Kingdomcity

Kingdomcity Team