Chosen - Halle Gibson

Did you ever realise that God, the Creator of the galaxies, who gave each star a name, who breathed the words of creation to form the Earth, and who speaks to the wind and waves, chose YOU to be His friend?

In Jeremiah 1:5 (AMP) it says…

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you [and approved of you as My chosen instrument], 

And before you were born I consecrated you [to Myself as My own];” 

God wants us as His daughters to know that we were chosen, approved of and consecrated to Him before we were chosen to be that sport captain, approved of by that guy or before we belonged to anyone else. You were His before you entered the world. You were His before you walked your first step or spoke your first word. Most of the time, as teenagers, we have a desire to belong or to be classified to a standard, which actually is a good indicator, it’s a sign we’ve forgotten who we belong to.

“For the Lord will never walk away from his cherished ones, nor would he forsake his chosen ones who belong to him.” — Psalm 64:14 (TPT)

Once you grasp the concept of His choosing, we sometimes immediately go to the prophecies that have been spoken over us, or the destinies that have been declared over our lives, and we classify that as what He’s chosen us for. Wouldn’t you also think He has chosen you to be His companion, someone He calls friend, someone He’s chosen to belong to Him, and someone He’s chosen to be intimately close with Him?

When we realise that God has intricately formed us to be His enjoyment and His delight, we stop striving to entertain others. The striving to belong to a certain circle of friends, the striving to be the best worship-leader on the team, the striving to act a certain way to get other’s attention, it all stops when we choose God in return and awaken to the fact that we are His.

Written by Halle Gibson

Halle is a part of our Kingdomcity Youth family in Perth, Australia.

Kingdomcity Team