Honouring God By Honouring Others - Kim Lunn

Throughout this season God has been talking to me about honour and giving me many opportunities to practice it. Unfortunately, some of these opportunities were missed because I didn’t see it as an opportunity, but more as an interference, an intrusion. 

 When Covid-19 hit, our campuses moved to our homes where we have seen so many opportunities to honour the people in our community and really invite them into the family. Though I said yes, to be honest, I was not filled with joy. The thought of waking up early and preparing my house to receive guests was a bit overwhelming and daunting. Our house is no longer childproof, so I fretted about what to do with all the children while the adults enjoyed church and then there were the worries about where everyone would sit. 

I was thinking about Church at Home the wrong way. I was thinking of what could be seen with my eyes; a spotless home with the perfect arrangement of chairs and everything put in the right corner. I have rearranged my living room several times trying to figure out how to maximize the space to accommodate more people while still maintaining the idea of a “cosy” living space. I was going for an award for Better Homes and Gardens, not to mention the perfectly set table. Unfortunately at this stage in life I don’t even have 12 matching cups not to mention the fact that my husband has become ecstatic about his kambucha and decided to place stickers on things to advertise his brand. Yep, that’s right a sticker on each glass and mug! I have the mouth-watering recipes down, because I do love to cook, but sometimes even the stress of making sure there is enough for everyone can ruin one's joy. 

 I was sitting at my kitchen table one Sunday morning pouring out my heart to God and fretting about having enough food when the Holy Spirit dropped the word honour in my heart. I started thinking about how I could honour God and honour people through the church at home experience. God had a different idea of what my Church at home should look like. It’s not that cleaning and preparing our homes for guests or presenting a nice meal isn’t part of it, but I had a shift in perspective and changed my hearts cry to honour God through my work. All these other things are really a means to an end, His still small voice reminded me that in this season of a world full of closed airports, borders, and buildings; my door could be open. My open door is the way to invite people into my life and my heart. And, when I share a meal across the dining table, it creates opportunities to share the Love of Christ with them. The details of making my house inviting that I get so caught up in are actually a small part of the greater story that takes place when I invite others into our homes. 

Needless to say I learned a few lessons that morning. 


1. Details are just that, details 

It’s okay to make a nice meal, create a warm and cosy space, but I was reminded that this is just the backdrop to a bigger, better story. 

Jesus reminded me that if I am so busy washing cups and picking up plates, while my guests are still around, my house may be clean but I will miss out on sharing the mess and dirtiness of life with others. If my greatest concern is wondering how people will fit into my home then I will miss out on making room in my heart for others. If I worry that there is not enough food and busy myself making more, I might miss out on sharing what really matters - the love of Jesus Christ who will satisfy more than just a meal. 


2. A heart check 

When I find myself stressed about the details of every little aspect of my home, it means that this has become the primary focus of my heart. If I find myself grumbling, I begin to ask myself why am I doing this? Have I become more concerned with how my home looks or how the food tastes? Are these things distracting me from having conversations with people? I know God is not going to ask me how my home looked. He is going to ask me how people were impacted. Am I allowing Jesus to be exalted in my home by what I speak about? 


3. Allow yourself to be pulled away. 

The truth is the dishes can wait. And feeding people’s soul is more important than a full belly. The whole purpose of Church at Home is for everyone to be encouraged by the Word of God. To learn God’s Word and to honour God by just being in His presence. 


4. This is not about me 

If I focus so much on what I want done, I will miss the mission of Christ. God always reminds me that “it’s not about me”. So, when I want to be in the spotlight, I know I am in the wrong mind set. When I grumble and complain or when I get so caught up in the details that I miss what God has me in the room for, then it is not true honouring. 

 That Sunday something changed in me, I prayed that my heart would love Jesus through loving the people around me. My heart was lighter my step easier. Honouring them became easier. I became engaged in the room and watched miracles happen. This helped me to focus on Christ and His love for me and others, in each and every detail, pointing our guests to the only person that really matters. 


Written by Kim Lunn 

Kim is married to Steve and they have three children. They are on team at Kingdomcity in Bali, Indonesia. 


Kingdomcity Team