I Almost Died Before I Was Born - Teneil Anderson

Teneil Anderson - Kingdomcity Beautiful Journal

When my mum fell pregnant with me at the age of 26, she was a full on drug addict, living every day for the needle. Every fortnight she would tell herself, “I’m getting an abortion this week.” But as each week turned over, her addiction won the battle and the money would go to feeding the need. The truth is, my mum didn’t flinch at the thought of having an abortion because I wouldn’t have been her first, her second, her third, or even her fourth.

I would have been her fifth abortion.

At her last legal chance of getting rid of the “fetus” (also known as me, Teneil) she had to decide if she would finance her addiction or the termination of my life. Thankfully she chose to keep me and I am so grateful to be here today!

Back then, I was the product of a “junkie” who almost ended my life. Today I am a young woman full of hope, passion and purpose.

I rejoice because my mum did a 180 degree turn around and chose to keep me, even though all the odds were against her. I survived the womb. I survived my childhood. I stopped surviving in my teen years, and started thriving in life. I am eternally grateful that my mum gave me the dignity that I deserved, that every life deserves.

To be real, the foundation of my life was messed up. My upbringing was broken, dysfunctional and painful. Every day up until I gave my heart to Jesus at 14 was filled with hurt, anger and unforgiveness towards my mum and anyone else in my life. But the amazing thing about Jesus is, He restores. He restored my past by helping me to forgive my mum, letting go of my pain and brokenness. In God I have found the love of a Father and wholeness where there was once only wounds.

Just like the Israelites, Jesus wants to take you out of slavery (slavery to unforgiveness, bitterness, hurt, shame) and bring you into the promised land of restoration in relationship with parents, forgiveness of offence or abuse, and propel you into freedom. For me, it's been a tough journey, but oh so worth it.

I wholeheartedly believe He has a way of working all things together for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. (Romans 8:28)

The moral of my story: my past doesn’t define me (just like yours doesn’t define you, no matter how messy it is).

Your beginning doesn’t determine your ending. You have value. Your life has purpose and your future can always be better than your past!

If you’re pregnant and feel lost and alone. You’re not. There are people around you that care about you, love you and can support you. There are options.

If you’ve had an abortion - forgive yourself, God does. Let go of the guilt, the condemnation and the shame. His mercy is new every morning.

Oh and the greatest thing about my story - now my beautiful mum loves and worships Jesus with me! What?! 

Written by Teneil Anderson.

Teneil is one of our amazing young adults, she lives in Perth and is on team at Kingdomcity.

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