Graced For Motherhood

I’ve discovered that motherhood is this beautiful journey of seasons. Some seasons feel more at ease, while others can feel more challenging. I remember the year we had our first daughter Mya, oh the one-kid life! It felt like a breeze, our life had adjusted a little bit, but things remained largely the same. Then came our second daughter, Havilah, 3 years later. Now the duo-parent life started to get layered, things started to take twice as long, and you needed twice as many hands to get out of the house. And now with our latest addition of Judah, who is turning one this month, it is triple the fun and joy. 


Through it all, my heart is to raise these incredible children up in the ways of the Lord, and I love the passage in Proverbs that says, 

Train up a child in the way he should go [teaching him to seek God’s wisdom and will for his abilities and talents], even when he is old he will not depart from it.
— Proverbs 22:6 (AMP)

What a beautiful burden to carry, and a great weight to that responsibility. For many of us, we juggle motherhood with other things in our world. From wanting to have a healthy and strong marriage to being invested in our careers or being a stay-at-home mum (which is equally as hardworking), to also wanting to prioritise the house of God and be intentional with building community and relationships around us... all while trying to keep our household in order. In some seasons, we're navigating the challenges of sick kids, work pressures, and tensions in our marriage, not to mention the household chores we feel like we can't get on top of.  

Motherhood is a lot to juggle, and there have been many times when I have let myself be overwhelmed by all that I have to carry. I still battle the mum guilt of always prioritising everything else that I feel my household never gets the attention it deserves, yet I tire myself out trying to get every area perfect and sometimes I forget to lean into this incredible grace from the Holy Spirit that is freely given. Over the years, I’ve learned to recognise my own behaviour. If I’m acting more emotional or reactional towards my children or my husband, it's usually a sign that I’m probably not spending enough time with the Holy Spirit. I’m doing things in my own strength and ability and not leaning into His grace, His power, or His presence. In Corinthians, it says, 

My grace is sufficient for you [My lovingkindness and My mercy are more than enough—always available—regardless of the situation]; for [My] power is being perfected [and is completed and shows itself most effectively] in [your] weakness. Therefore, I will all the more gladly boast in my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ [may completely enfold me and] may dwell in me.
— 2 Corinthians 12:9 (AMP)

Sometimes, we can forget to access this incredible grace that is everything we need to navigate every season. The truth is, it's unsustainable to carry motherhood without His grace. We can’t do it on our own strength. It doesn’t mean that challenging times won't come, but when we're feeling overwhelmed from a busy season or tired from sleepless nights and sickness in our household, we just need to get before the Lord and find ourselves in His presence. 

Be overwhelmed by His presence not the presence of fear. In His presence, we can find peace in the chaos, we can have patience and gentleness when we are tired and frustrated. His love can strengthen us, His spirit can refresh us and where we feel we lack, the Holy Spirit can come in and fill those areas. 

As mothers, we do our best to make sure we have things organised and ready for the next day from preparing kids' lunches to knowing what’s for dinner, making sure school pick-ups are done and any work in between. Just like we are intentional about those we are looking after, it’s so important that we are also intentional about starting our day by asking Him to help us to carry everything we will be doing. 

Pray the ‘Victory Dresscode’ in the shower. Armour ourselves up for the day. Let's strengthen ourselves in the Lord. One of the greatest prayers I’ve learned to say at any moment of the day is “Holy Spirit, help me”. 

I love this verse in Proverbs that talk about us as mothers,  

She equips herself with strength [spiritual, mental, and physical fitness for her God-given task]  And makes her arms strong.
— Proverbs 31:17 (AMP)

This verse just reminds me that God has called us, and we are graced for motherhood and all that it entails. Our arms are strong for our tasks and all that we carry. But we don’t do this alone, we do this by His grace, His power and His purpose. He never gives us more than we can handle.   

I have always felt that I would be a mother while in full-time ministry and someone once said to me, “Amy, you lead with children on your hip, your husband at your side and a mic and bible in your free hand.” That is the truth and the juggle of motherhood right there, as mothers we usually are juggling our children on the hip and whatever else we are carrying with that spare hand. But there is no one I’d rather do it with than the Holy Spirit and my husband. 

Whatever motherhood looks like for you, God has called you, He has set you a part for this. Through the challenging seasons and ones that feel more at ease, His grace is sufficient, always available and more than enough for all that we need. 


Head on to our ‘Beautiful Family’ category for more Motherhood stories!

And click the links below for more resources!

Victory Dresscode on YouTube

Victory Dresscode on Spotify

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Written by Amy Brown

Amy Brown is married to Sheldon Brown, and they currently live in Auckland, New Zealand. She is mom to 3 beautiful kids and is part of the Kingdomcity team.